Four Highs and a Low

It’s been a great week!  I wanted to take some time to share a few of the highlights (and one low just to keep it real).  Happy Friday!

High: Time with Family

My mom and sister (who are also Montessori teachers!) had Presidents Day off and came to visit last weekend.  It was so much fun to see them.  We went to lunch and went for walks and did all of the simple things that are more wonderful with family around.  We also went to the mini zoo that has local Texas rescue animals in Zilker Park.  James didn’t seem to notice any of the animals, but it was a beautiful day and fun to walk around somewhere different.  We used to live walking distance from Zilker, and definitely miss that.

Low: Being SO Tired

I had the best time with my family last weekend, but I was so unbelievably tired by Monday afternoon.  I’m not sure what it was that did me in, but I was beat.  We were out and about more so James took more naps in the car.  This made him a little grumpier and also meant I didn’t have his nap times to get stuff done.  I stayed up a little later than normal and didn’t sleep very well.  I had the best time chatting, but had little time to myself which, as an introvert, tires me out eventually.  Whatever it was, I felt like I could hardly move by Monday evening.  My wonderful husband took James for a walk and I just lay in bed and zoned out for thirty minutes.  I went to bed early and felt like a new person in the morning.

High: Beautiful Weather

I know I should be concerned for what this means for the summer, but oh my goodness, I’ve been fully enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve been having!  It has been in the 70’s and 80’s and sunny, and I cannot get enough.  Our daily walks have been a little longer than usual, and I’ve also been bringing James outside in the backyard to spend some time in nature and soak up some sunshine.

High: Out and About

I am an introvert and a major homebody.  That said, I didn’t realize how much I missed getting out of the house more the first couple of months with James.  I know I could have taken him out more, but it just seemed hard with how often he needed to eat and nap.  I’m sure this is because I’m a first time mom.  I definitely enjoyed our slow days at home, but I’m enjoying this stage even more!  Now we regularly go to the library for story hour, meet friends for lunch, and run basic errands like grocery shopping that include a bit of adult interaction.

High: Photography

One of the reasons I wanted to start blogging was to learn something new.  Gretchen Rubin, one of my favorite authors, talks about the importance to happiness of living in an “atmosphere of growth”.  I arguably already had this as I’m constantly learning something new with the little guy and growing into my role as a mother, but I wanted to learn and grow in other ways as well.  I have always been interested in photography, since I got my first pink camera for my birthday as a little girl, but I’ve fallen into the trap of just using my phone camera.  I honestly didn’t realize how low quality the pictures were until I started this blog and looked at them on my computer instead of my phone…yikes!  I thank you for your patience as I try to transition to using my husband’s DSLR camera more and my phone less.  It is something I really want to learn, but there’s definitely a learning curve.

What was a highlight from your week?

Does anyone have any tips for learning to use a DSLR?

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  1. You have such a cute little family! I need to start using my good camera, too…my dad got me a really good one when I went to Italy a few years ago and I’m going to ask Chris this weekend to give me some good lessons on using it. It’s just so much more convenient to take pictures with my phone though, so I feel your pain! Um, and a zoo with rescue animals sounds amazing. Detroit needs something like that!

    Have a great weekend. <3

  2. I read that Gretchen Rubin book too and I think there’s a lot of truth in the fact that we need an atmosphere of growth to be happy. I’m trying to grow and try new things in my own life too!

    1. I think it’s tough sometimes when life is so busy and trying new things takes so much energy, but definitely worth it!

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