Lilah at 10 Months (and a sibling update)

It’s funny, last month Lilah hit so many milestones all in a row.  This month, she didn’t really hit many – all of her growth seems to be centered around her personality and playfulness lately which has been so fun!


Lilah had a couple of VERY grumpy (almost wrote “frumpy” there lol) weeks when her top two teeth were coming in, but these days she is all smiles.

She has always been very sweet and cuddly, but she is now very playful too!  Her favorite thing in all the world is playing peekaboo.  She loves to play and will initiate the game too, holding objects like my phone or a tambourine over her eyes and going crazy when I say “peekaboo”.  It is literally the cutest 🙂

Because of her love of peekaboo, I showed her the Dear Zoo book recently and she bounces up and down making excited noises when we read it.  She loves lifting the flaps.  I love books like this that stand the test of time, as my three year old still loves this one as well!

She also loves playing with the set of musical instruments we have, especially the tambourine. She loves music and dances when it’s on.

She is the snuggliest baby ever and is almost always content if I can hold her.  She still has a lot of stranger danger at times but also has very friendly moods when she crawls right up to people at the library or at music class and smiles at them.


She still loves being outside and really loves the water table we got James for his first birthday.  Even if it’s cold out and there’s no water in it, it’s the perfect height for her to pull up to stand and play with balls, cups, etc.

Lilah is very flexible, go-with-the-flow, funny, super sweet, playful, and curious.  We could not love her any more 🙂


The only real milestone Lilah had this month was starting to sign!  Just a tiny bit, but I’m super excited about it.  James never really signed at all – he started talking really early and is super verbal, but was never into hand gestures.  That’s totally fine of course, but it makes it even more fun to watch Lilah sign since it’s new for me.

So far she just does the “milk” sign when I do it first, but I have a feeling she’ll continue learning to sign because she’s super into hand gestures like clapping and waving.

She actually also stood up without holding on for the first time yesterday too after I wrote this!


Lilah loves to eat!  She went through a stage when she seemed to pretty much only want to eat pancakes, but she will now eat almost anything, thank goodness.

Some recent favorites are pomegranate arils, pears, meatballs, avocado, and little pieces of Lara bars (I break off small bites and make sure there are no big nut pieces).  Don’t worry, she eats lots of vegetables too, they just aren’t her very favorites at this point. She basically eats a slightly modified version of whatever we eat.

I do still make her pancakes though because she loves them, I can make a big batch to last for the week, and there are so many healthy recipes out there!

I love this one (easy to sub whole wheat flour and I love using pomegranate arils instead of blueberries!) and this one.  I like to spread peanut butter, yogurt, or pumpkin on top and often add chia seeds or hemp seeds for some extra goodness.

Random side note, but we got disposable placemats (similar to these) for eating out when James was a baby and they are super useful for little ones who are not ready for giant/heavy/hot/breakable restaurant plates 🙂


Fingers crossed, nothing has changed here for ages.  She wakes up early (often around 5:30 am), but that actually works well for us right now because it means she can take a morning nap and we still have time to go do something before James needs to nap.

She currently naps from about 8:45-10 and 1:30-3 or 3:30.  She goes to bed at 7 PM.

She rarely complains about sleeping and she often just rolls around silently in her bed when she wakes up.  If I weren’t watching her on the monitor, I’d have no idea she was awake.  She loves her bed.

10 months sounds so old somehow, so close to the big first birthday. I know these next two months are going to go by extra fast with the holidays so I’m soaking in all of the baby snuggles I can right now.

Sibling Relationship

Watching James and Lilah together literally melts my heart.

When I was pregnant with Lilah, James would frequently say that she would need to get her own Legos and books when she was born.  This had me a little concerned about how he would react to having a sibling around, especially a baby who has no concept of ownership.

He has surprised me in the best way!  He sets apart little bits of his snacks for her.  He brings her toys to play with and is starting to talk to her when they’re in the back seat together.  He is becoming the best big brother and it makes me so, so happy.

I have no idea why they look so forlorn here, but it cracks me up 🙂

We have a simple rule that Lilah and James can both play with anything that is in the living room / main part of the house.  If he wants to play with something without her touching it, he knows to bring it to his room or to the kitchen table where she can’t reach.  I think that has helped some, but I also think we just got lucky 🙂

I know their relationship will have its ups and downs over the years, but it has been a very sweet beginning 🙂

I’d love to hear from you!  What was the best part of your month?

Montessori Alphabet Book

Montessori abc Book

My Montessori abc book uses phonetic sounds. Montessori teaches phonetic sounds, rather than letter names, to help children learn to read.

The book also uses one letter and image per page. This helps the child focus and not be overwhelmed. Photographic images are used to spark curiosity and encourage the child to learn about the real world.

You can purchase the book here!

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