Learn about a NEW Montessori blog with tips on Montessori Homeschool, Montessori at Home and Montessori printables, books and resources.
Good morning!
I’m super excited to announce that the project I’ve been working on behind the scenes is now ready for the world.
While this blog will always have a special place in my heart, I’ve created a new site, Sunshine, Mud and Montessori.
Why the change? Well, let me tell you.
The first, and possibly biggest, reason is simply that I knew absolutely nothing about blogging when I started this blog just over 5 years ago. I am NOT a “techy” person by any means and I basically just dove right in. I knew nothing about SEO or image sizing or how to make a blog run smoothly on the back-end. The idea of going back and fixing all of the little issues that I would need to to make this blog its best is overwhelming to me. I would rather start fresh.
Secondly, I originally pictured this as more of a lifestyle blog, with a Montessori spin. And it was, for a while.
This is what I pictured because I love reading other people’s lifestyle blogs. I honestly am not sure why, but I like getting little peeks into people’s lives and finding things I can relate to.
But…I’m an introvert and an extremely private person and it turns out I don’t love writing those kinds of posts. I’m also not sure how I feel about sharing details of my children’s lives as they grow older (not at all judging those who do though!)
When I got the chance to start writing Montessori articles for sites like Motherly and The Tot, I realized that I do love writing about Montessori. I love sharing strategies regular parents (“Montessori” or not) can use at home. I love sharing Montessori materials, spaces, toys, and resources with the world.
I wanted to create a new site and new name that focus less on being a mom, and more on Montessori in general.
I’m sure I will still share some behind-the-scenes, slice of life type posts. Mostly though, I plan to share Montessori tips and Montessori homeschool resources. You can find my first post with a detailed behind-the-scenes look at a week of our Montessori Homeschool here!
In addition, I’m super excited to soon begin offering Montessori printables and materials! As I’ve started homeschooling over the past year or so, I’ve begun developing materials for our own use and I’m very eager to share them with you.
All of that to say, I so appreciate everyone who reads this blog and hope you will follow me over to Sunshine, Mud and Montessori!
(This site won’t be disappearing, at least not right away, but all new content can be found there.)
Thank you!
~ Christina