Good morning and happy new year!
I had no intention of disappearing for almost a month, but I knew December would be a whirlwind, so I’m not altogether surprised. I am back though, and have several upcoming posts I’m excited about.
Today, I just wanted to share a few recent favorites, many of which are from the last month’s festivities.
My sister’s wedding
My sister got married on December 16 and it was the BEST day. I love her and her new husband so much, and could not be happier for them. The whole day was beautiful, from getting ready together to the ceremony to the reception.
Plus, how cute was this little ring bearer?
Disney World
My sister and her husband decided to go to Disney World for their honeymoon and they kindly invited us along! I honestly debated whether or not to go because, while I wanted to spend time with my family and love Disney World, the idea of going with a one year old sounded exhausting. Well, it was exhausting, but it was also lots of fun! I would be happy to share a post on Disney with a one year old if anyone is interested. I think we learned a lot through the experience.
Family Time
Between my sister’s wedding, Disney World, and Christmas, we spent a whole two weeks away from home with my family. It was amazing to spend so much time together and to watch James get to know all my family even better. I wish we all lived closer!
Home Sweet Home
I was never one of those people who was happy when a vacation was over. I always felt like they flew by too quickly and I was never ready to go home. Until now.
Traveling with a toddler is fun, but it’s exhausting and I was super ready to come home. James is at a stage where he plays super independently and our house is set up for that. He required much more supervision (and much more “no”) at my parents’ house and it was exhausting. He has been so happy ever since we’ve been home and it has felt truly relaxing. He got a couple of new sets of blocks for Christmas and is so happy just wandering around the house playing with them.
I got an Instant Pot for Christmas and I love it so much already! So far I’ve only made basics (hard boiled eggs, apple sauce, steamed carrots, and quinoa), but I cannot get over how easy and fast it is. I can’t wait to find more recipes and cook actual meals in it. Does anyone have any favorites?
I also got this cookbook for Christmas and love it already. I’ve made two recipes so far (skillet beer chili mac and a cucumber salad with peanuts and cilantro) and have one more on the menu for this week. I want to make almost everything in it and can’t wait to cook my way through the book this winter. (If you’re not familiar with Thug Kitchen, they have great vegan recipes, but be warned, the books use a lot of profanity.)
Unruffled Podcast with Janet Lansbury
I’m not sure why it took me so long to realize Janet Lansbury has a podcast, but I just started listening and am already obsessed. If you’re not familiar with her, she is a wonderful RIE trained expert in child development and behavior. I plan to work my way through all of her past episodes over the next few months, but so far, this has been one of my favorite episodes.
And that about sums it up! The next month is going to be pretty busy and full of lots of change, but I’m going to try to get back to posting at least once or twice a week.
What was the best part of your holiday season?
If you’ve been to Disney World, what is your favorite park / ride?
What are you excited about in 2018?
*Please note this post contains affiliate links – I get a small percentage if items are purchased, at no cost to you. I only include items I love. Thanks for your support!