As one of my favorite authors, Gretchen Ruben, says, “September is the other January.”
While it still feels like summer here in Texas, something about seeing school buses on the roads and pumpkin recipes popping up online makes it feel like a good time for new goals.
This month I’m hoping to:
- Set an alarm clock – For many, many months, I was up by five or so, no alarm clock needed. James would wake up to eat between 4-5 and go back to sleep and I would get up for the day. This was pretty exhausting, but I also really enjoyed the time to myself at the start of the day. Now that he’s sleeping later, I’ve been sleeping later too. It felt so great to catch up on sleep, but I feel like I’m falling behind on everything else (including blogging!) I plan to set an alarm for 5:30 Monday through Thursday. I’m a total morning person and super unproductive in the evenings, so I will get more done this way than by trying to get things done at night.
- Run twice a week – I think I mentioned I signed up to run a half marathon with my little brother. It’s not until February, so I don’t need to start an actual training plan for a while, but I would like to gradually build up to running slightly longer distances. Because of my foot injury, I don’t want to push it and risk injury, but hope to run twice a week. I’ll likely do one stroller run with James and one longer run by myself on the weekend.
- Finish Jame’s Baby Book I’ve been making James’s baby book on Shutterfly throughout the year. I’m super uncrafty so this has been a much better option for me than an actual scrapbook. I update it every month, but I want to go through and edit it so that it’s ready to order. I’ve included about a million pictures so it’s going to be pretty expensive, but Shutterfly often has crazy sales. I want to have it ready so that I can purchase it when there’s a 50-60% off sale.
- Plan Backyard Updates I’ve been enjoying playing in the backyard with James SO much lately. Most of our birthday presents for him are backyard-focused. However, I would like to make some changes to make our outside time even more enjoyable. Both houses we rented in Maine had beautiful yards with nice, soft grass. I don’t know what is up with our grass, but our yard feels very scratchy. I have no clue about anything yard related, so I want to take some time to research what would be involved with improving our yard / getting a different type of grass planted.
And that is all! I know it’s going to be a busy month with James’s birthday and visits from family so I want to keep it simple.
What are your goals for the month?
Does it feel like Fall yet where you live?